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Opening Hours:

*SMS Texts Are Available for fast responses:

House Call complies with HIPAA and wants to exchange text messages with you. Text messaging may not be entirely secure. To consent, reply YES. (Standard Messaging Rates from your carrier may apply)








9:00am – 4:00pm

9:00am – 4:00pm

9:00am – 4:00pm

9:00am – 4:00pm

9:00am – 4:00pm

CLOSED (on call)

CLOSED (on call)


for adults along the Gulf Coast

Patients who have a difficult time traveling to doctors' offices for wellness visits LOVE House Call Service! After just a few appointments, family members and Caretakers love House Call visits equally as much! We provide good family medicine, the old-fashioned way.


We send the doctor to you! 

Free Blood Pressure, Weight, Oxygen Saturation Monitoring:


Inquire about free Remote Monitoring Devices that will allow you to track your health from home with a device that sends your numbers directly to the doctor!

Our Services:

New Patient?

Request our Registration Forms in seconds:
  • Home Visits

  • Transitional Care

  • Chronic Care Management

  • Prevention & Wellness

  • Health E&M @Home

  • X-Rays & Labs @ Home

  • Companion CARE@HOME

  • Care@Work (office visits)

We are a Major Asset to Facilities

House Call would LOVE to set up a table to distribute information, promotional items and goodies to your residents. 


House Call would LOVE to inform patients at YOUR facility of OUR visiting doctor services and old-fashioned medicine.


Call today to arrange a Meet & Greet with our warm and friendly staff.


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